Feb 12, 2024 | How we make |
Every single component that makes up a bicycle frame demands extraordinary attention and unparalleled craftsmanship. It’s easy to take many of the parts that compose the frame for granted, as if they were merely gears in a complex mechanism. However, the reality... Sep 4, 2023 | The latest bikes |
“Blue is a boy colour! Pink is a girl colour!” We are not able to understand why colours need an assigned gender. The idea of “girl things” and “boy things” make no sense to us. Cycling is for eveyone. A bicycle is for everyone.... Jun 29, 2023 | How we make, Stories |
The Contrada del Bruco is one of the seventeen Contrade, or neighbourhoods, in the city of Siena, Italy. Siena is famous for its historic Palio di Siena horse race, which takes place twice a year in the city’s central square, Piazza del Campo. The Contrada del... Jun 26, 2023 | How we make |
As a small company, we offer the opportunity to repair a carbon bike frame. Our services include cutting, sanding, and repairing the frame. We use a specialized method to ensure that the carbon frame is as strong and durable as it was when it was new. Repairing a... Jun 12, 2023 | How we make |
We chose this photo as main representative on our Linkedin page image because we love the vivid colours, it is stylish, and above all there is this little Italian flag in the centre that reminds us of our Italian frame builders heritage, and the strong sense of...