telaio fly contrada del bruco siena (1)

The Contrada del Bruco is one of the seventeen Contrade, or neighbourhoods, in the city of Siena, Italy. Siena is famous for its historic Palio di Siena horse race, which takes place twice a year in the city’s central square, Piazza del Campo. The Contrada del Bruco is one of the participating Contrade in this traditional event.

Each contrada in Siena has its own distinct emblem, colours, and history, and they serve as tightly-knit communities. The Contrada del Bruco’s emblem is a stylized caterpillar, and its colours are yellow and green. The Contrada’s name “Bruco” means “caterpillar” in Italian. The Contrada has its own chapel, meeting place, and social activities, fostering a strong sense of identity and camaraderie among its members.

During the Palio di Siena, representatives from each contrada compete against one another in a horse race that lasts just 90 seconds. The race takes place on a makeshift track within the Piazza del Campo, which is transformed into a racecourse for the event. The Contrada del Bruco, like other Contrade, fields a jockey and horse to compete in the race, and the winning Contrada earns great pride and prestige.

The Palio di Siena is a deeply rooted tradition that dates back several centuries and is cherished by the people of Siena. It combines elements of history, pageantry, and competition, making it a significant cultural event in the city. The Contrada del Bruco plays an active role in this historical tradition, contributing to the unique atmosphere and excitement surrounding the Palio di Siena.

So, as a Tuscan company, designing a bike frame inspired by the colours and emblem of the Contrada del Bruco has been a unique and visually striking project. Incorporating Contrada’s yellow and green colours, as well as the stylized caterpillar emblem, into the design of the bike frame resulted in a beautiful and meaningful creation.

We are proud of this job, as well as the matt black frame we painted with Contrada’s logo, both of them ordered by Renzo, a man born in the Contrada.

telaio fly contrada del bruco siena (6)


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