Jul 3, 2023 | The latest bikes |
The concept of painting bikes with gradient colors was popularized in the 90s by many brands. The idea was to create a unique and eye-catching look for bicycles. The most popular gradient colors to use were blue, purple, pink, and yellow. Some brands also used... Jan 13, 2023 | The latest bikes
Choosing a different colour for your bike is something that distinguishes your beloved bicycle from all the others. It can also be a way to express yourself and make your bike even more personal. There are several ways to choose a colour for your bike. Firstly, you... Nov 21, 2022 | The latest bikes
We enjoyed playing with colours with some Viator carbon frames. We usually start with customizations requested by our customers. But then we added some varied graphics, just to see what it would look like if … We always remind people that the shape of the tubes...