everesting montenero livorno

Franco is much more than just a cyclist. He is a man who has embraced cycling as a lifestyle, a passion that has led him to explore horizons beyond the normal conception of pedaling. Affectionately known as “The Bearded Argonaut,” Franco is a true dreamer, an individual who finds joy and fulfillment in pushing himself on two wheels, always pushing beyond conventional limits.

Over the years, Franco has embraced various cycling disciplines, but in recent times, he has fervently devoted himself to gravel riding, the kind of cycling that embraces wild nature and unpaved roads. His adventure companion is the faithful Daccordi Annibale bike, with which he has shared unforgettable moments on rugged terrain and breathtaking views.

gravel annibale everesting

However, this year Franco has an even more ambitious project in mind: cycling all the way to the North Cape, starting directly from Italy. A challenge that requires not only physical fitness but also determination and a spirit of adventure.

Yet, to prepare for this epic journey, Franco has decided to test himself in an entirely new way. Last weekend, he accomplished another extraordinary feat: he took on the Everesting challenge. This incredible challenge involves climbing the same altitude as Mount Everest in one single ascent. And for Franco, the chosen route was Montenero, in the province of Livorno, a climb that demanded all his strength and endurance.

everesting franco taddei

Riding his Daccordi Alterego, a bike designed to tackle long distances, Franco pedalled tirelessly, facing fatigue and surpassing his own limits. It was an epic journey, a test of endurance and determination that once again showcased Franco’s extraordinary passion and dedication to cycling.

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Now, as he prepares for his next great adventure towards the North Cape, Franco carries with him the experience and strength gained during the Everesting. He is ready to face any challenge that comes his way, aware that every pedal stroke is one step closer to realizing his dreams. The Bearded Argonaut will never stop halfway. His is a life dedicated to adventure and the pursuit of new heights to conquer, both in the mountains and within his adventurous soul.



Choose your Daccordi bike from our collection. You can decide to have it by selecting among the standard sizes or made to measure for you, for your characteristics and your style. ORDER YOUR DACCORDI

How to take measurements at home in the correct way to order a Daccordi bike

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