carbonio stratificato tube-to-tube carbon frame

In the previous article, we explained how a carbon layering frame takes place. We have told you about the quality obtained by adding the right mix of resins and kevlar, but we have also said that we get a slight increase in weight. It is easier to get off the weight with a monocoque frame with a single mould or bi-moulds, where the pressure imposed can significantly compress the carbon fibres, making it compact, stiff and light, rather than with a layered carbon. So why do we say that a tube-to-tube carbon frame is superior? Only for its elasticity qualities? Absolutely not. We list more than one reason. Some technical, others more commercial.

Most monocoques frames come from Asia

That is, produced in large quantities in more than one plant. This makes it very difficult to control the innermost fibres of the carbon, which, once the frame is finished, can only be verified with very expensive equipment. The carbon frames produced could all be mechanically different from each other, depending on the working method introduced by the processing plant, but aesthetically identical. In fact, it is not uncommon to hear of “defective production batches”, perhaps even withdrawn from the market. These are infrequent events. But it is much more common to have chassis that do not maintain the same production standard as a sister model. And we are also talking about big brands because the higher the production number, the more difficult it is to maintain control.

A tube-to-tube carbon frame can be tailor-made, like steel or titanium

This is a nice advantage not only for customization but also in terms of performance and comfort. In fact, it is not so out of the ordinary to find people who need custom-made bikes for particular anthropometric issues. But it is also very common to find cyclists who, although well adapted to a standard bike, would greatly benefit from the customization of the frame geometries.

As we have already said above, a tube-to-tube carbon frame is much more robust.

Sometimes slightly heavier, where the heaviest weighs between 40 and 150 grams depending on the frame. More robust means much more resistant to an impact. Of course, we all hope there will be no impact, but unfortunately it is part of life as a cyclist. But more robust can also mean durability over time. In fact, bikes do not have suspensions, unlike motorcycles, and therefore all the roughness of the ground is fully reflected on the frame, softened only by the work of tires of a few millimetres in width.

Correction fo potential design mistakes

While a bandage is redesigned every time, a mass-produced frame carries with it a possible flaw for the entire design year. Unfortunately, these events are not as rare as one might expect. When a bike is incorrectly designed to accommodate specific components, this cannot be changed until the money invested in the moulds has been recovered by sales.


In the following article, however, we will explain why most of the companies in the cycling sector tell you precisely the opposite.




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