Borea evolution of steel 2

There is so much veracity in the statement:Design is Process. Everyone can see the evolution of steel. Steel bikes are not the same as the frames built in the ’80es or ’90es.

The frames that we fabricate are the outcome of an extensive progression of design; musings, delineations, queries, illustrations, procedure & tooling, examples & models, reiterated cycles and at last creation. It‘s important to challenge and discover the centre ground, or to figure your way around the impediments. 

Borea has been in advancement for several years with the making of new tooling, new forms and new assembling. We keep on investigating the points of confinement of the material, while consistently searching for approaches to improve work and pragmatic utilization.

Borea evolution of steel black

We’ve been working with Columbus, Deda and Techno for decades. They’ve become an extremely valuable resource and trusted partner; their tubing and specifically their butting knowledge is second to none. Butting lengths and tube shaping are something we consider a lot and to achieve the required design it will often involve using tooling from custom tubes, or creating new tooling. There really is no substitute for working with people who you can call by the phone and discuss a new project.

Borea is the evolution of steel. The last evolution? It is never the last one. The main difference between craftsmen like us is that every frame and bike is a new project. So it is an evolution of the previous frame. Who produce big quantities of bikes, evolves their products year by year.

Borea is made with Omnicrom tubings. The strength of a steel frame is certainly affected by the nature and quality of the elements and parts utilized: in addition to the excellence of the geometries and the plan, substantial significance is given to the quality of the material and the welds, with special care taken to the outcome they have on the pipes utilized for the production of the frame. We have always consistently paid special attention to the tolerance the tubes have to the thermal pressure and changes they are usually subjected to during the welding cycle. With the new Omnicrom tubings, a new age of steel tubing is born; unparalleled performance and exceptional processing capability.


Choose your Daccordi bike from our collection. You can decide to have it by selecting among the standard sizes or made to measure for you, for your characteristics and your style. ORDER YOUR DACCORDI

How to take measurements at home in the correct way to order a Daccordi bike

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