new griffe san miniato web

Our origins as Daccordi Cycles lie in San Miniato. It’s here that we build our high-end bicycles, whether they’re road bikes, gravel bikes, or mountain bikes. Here is where we design them, weld and bond them, and it’s always here where we paint them. But most importantly, it’s here where we ride them.

Here, among the Tuscan hills, every single Daccordi bicycle comes to life. It’s where passion merges with artisanal mastery, giving rise to high-end bikes destined for the speed of racing, the adventure of gravel, or the challenges of mountain biking.

The winding roads of this enchanting place are our training ground, the proving ground where each frame takes shape. Here is where we design, weld steel, aluminum, and titanium. And it’s always here where we bond and layer our carbon frames, placing every single detail at the center of our attention. Craftsmanship translates into bikes that are extensions of our being.

When we say we paint them here, we mean that every color, every shade, tells a story. Each layer of paint is a work of art because every bike that leaves here is unique, just as unique as the experience of those who ride it.

But above all, it’s here where our connection with bikes comes to life. It’s here that, pedal stroke after pedal stroke, we test, improve, and find inspiration. Every pedal stroke on these roads is a part of us transferred into the bikes we build. Because we ride. We ride our own bikes, aiming to enhance and challenge them. And what better challenge than the winding Tuscan hills surrounding San Miniato?


bici Daccordi Borea a San Miniato


Choose your Daccordi bike from our collection. You can decide to have it by selecting among the standard sizes or made to measure for you, for your characteristics and your style. ORDER YOUR DACCORDI

How to take measurements at home in the correct way to order a Daccordi bike

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