riverniciatura del telaio bici gravel

We gave new life to this Daccordi Alterego gravel bike by repainting the frame. At Daccordi, we never limit ourselves to repainting the bike frame. First, we strip the paint off the frames completely, which seems obvious but in fact not everyone does. Some companies, to save costs, repaint over the old paint, with obvious problems of the longevity of the work done.

The second phase concerns the frame line. Steel frames often lose the line due to accidents or excessive bike use. What does it mean when the bike frame loses the line? Simply that the wheels are no longer ideally in line. The frame usually slightly bends. When it is unpainted, it is the best time to check it and eventually take action. In the worst cases, it must be reheated and returned in a straight line.

The third stage is checking for any micro holes. This applies to both steel and carbon frames. Micro holes can create rust in steel frames. So you have to identify them accurately and put putty to close them.

In carbon frames, the quality of the carbon fibre is checked to prevent any breakage.

The final stage is repainting the bike frame. A bike repainted with this procedure is like new again. Not just aesthetically. The mechanical characteristics are restored almost completely.


gravel bike repainting
gravel bike repainting


Choose your Daccordi bike from our collection. You can decide to have it by selecting among the standard sizes or made to measure for you, for your characteristics and your style. ORDER YOUR DACCORDI

How to take measurements at home in the correct way to order a Daccordi bike

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