Jan 24, 2025 | How we make |
Pensa Think about it: a steel bike can be only slightly heavier than a high-end carbon bike! When it comes to road bikes, the common belief is that steel is heavy and carbon is incredibly lightweight. But is that really true? The answer might surprise you! A... Jan 16, 2025 | The latest bikes |
There’s something fascinating about the ’80s. Those movies, those advertisements. Everything screamed excess, color, volume. And we’re not just talking about music: we’re talking about hairstyles. Those enormous, teased, sky-high hairdos held up with gallons of... May 14, 2024 | How we make |
How is chrome plating carried out on steel racing bicycles? And why are they chromed? In the past, it was a way to protect frames from rust, so the parts most exposed to corrosion, like rear stays, fork, and junctions, were chromed. Over time, however, corrosion has... Mar 4, 2024 | The latest bikes |
In the world of cycling, few things evoke a sense of nostalgia and respect like a high-quality steel frame. Daccordi’s Profidea is one of those cycling treasures that embodies the very essence of tradition and innovation. With over two decades of history, this... Jun 23, 2023 | The latest bikes |
In the world of cycling, there’s a timeless appeal to classic steel frames that evoke a sense of nostalgia and craftsmanship. The Daccordi New Griffe, with its beautifully handcrafted steel frame and classic lugs, pays homage to the golden era of cycling while...